Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bruce Jenner is a Woman

Bruce Jenner has long been a staple in the famous Kardashian family, as the father figure to the Kardashian sisters and Jenner kids. But things may begin to change, now that he's come forward with a lifelong secret: he feels that he is a woman. Bruce put it all on the table in an interview with Diane Sawyer, discussing future plans, hopes, and the past, so that he (or, as we will come to say, she) may move forward this year as a new person. Jenner said that "2015 is going to be a wild ride", and for someone who is transgender and in the public eye, he is probably correct in making that statement. The famous father showed incredible bravery and honesty while doing what he felt was best for himself and his family. See the groundbreaking interview here:

A horrible tragedy occurred at Indiana U, when a college senior and sorority member was murdered. Her body was found today, with very minimal details released.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Love Has No Labels

I saw this campaign when it first came out and was so touched by it. We are entering an age where love that has been shrouded and suppressed, can finally be freely expressed and legally honored with marriage.

This campaign focuses on the ambiguity of love and family, speaking to the fact that regardless of gender, age, or race, the emotional expression between people is all the same.
In this post from, New York residents describe Hillary Clinton in just one word. The results are quite interesting, and a little surprising in my opinion. I think Hillary often gets a bad rap and is highly scrutinized for being a female seeking powerful positions in the world.

 Anyone agree with any of these one-word descriptions? (link below)