Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Buzzfeed Has A Clean Eating Challenge And I'm Doing It

So, I came across this article completely by accident while reading BuzzFeed, and I decided not to just let it become one of those random things that I wish I'd done, but rather to turn it into an experiment, and to actually do it. So I solicited my roommate. She finally caved and agreed to do Buzzfeed's Clean Eating Challenge with me.

I'm already gluten, dairy, and peanut free due to allergies, so a lot of it, I was already used to eating. I'm currently on the fourth day of the "challenge", and the only thing I've really wanted to break the rules to have is bacon. Because, you just can't tell me not to have bacon. But I'm staying strong! If you're considering getting on the healthy-eating bandwagon, (or even if you're already on a clean eating regimen and you just want a few awesome recipes!) it's definitely worth taking a look at this plan.

Not only do I feel as though I'm becoming more conscious of the way I feel when I eat clean, but it's had an impact on my physical performance during workouts. I've definitely been tired these last few days, but that's expected with any kind of detox or cleanse (including one that allows you to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, apparently). I think we're so lucky that things like this are free and available for us to access online. First of all, the term "clean eating" wasn't really widely known 20 years ago, but if someone in 1995 wanted to start a new diet, they'd have to consult a nutritionist or buy a book.

We have it pretty good, don't we, gen Y? If anything, this has made me appreciate both my body and technology. More to follow!

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