Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Dress: White & Gold or Black & Blue?! Here's the science behind it...

So I'm sure you've seen by now that there seems to be a feud between everyone you know when it comes to a certain photograph of a certain dress. It turns out that 2/3 of people will see the dress as white and gold, while 1/3 will see it as black and blue. This seemingly trivial online chatter has baffled even the most serious of vision experts for days now, and finally there has been an article released that explains the whole thing- from start to finish.  I saw it as white and gold, and continue to see it as such, even after seeing images of it in black and blue. It actually hurts my eyes to try to see it in black and blue!! What do you see?  Let me know in the comments because I'm freaking out a little.

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