Saturday, March 28, 2015

"Sorry Babe You're A Feminist"

The feminism movement has been around for decades, but in the last few years, it seems as though the movement is changing and evolving into something entirely new. With feminism unknowingly re-vamping its image through celebrities like Emma Watson (<-click here for her speech), Laverne Cox, Beyonce, and Tina Fey, it's hard to put a finger on exactly what feminism means and what it embodies today. It is a term that is ever-evolving and moving toward a more positive connotation than ever before. I thought this song was funny because it sheds light on the fact that the word "feminism" is avoided because it is often associated with a rejection of femininity. The video highlights what the values of feminism today actually represent, rather than hiding from a pre-conceived notion in our minds, merely based on stereotypes.

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